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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Little Old Ladies

I am not the type of neighbor who visits often, chit chats, etc. I have so many hobbies including writing, the piano, crocheting and knitting and music and the internet and I prefer those activities. Today, however, I made an exception. My neighbor in the next apartment invited me for coffee at her place at 2 p.m. She looked nervous asking me and looked lonely and looked hopeful and I just didn't have it in me to say no. So, off I go at 2 p.m. 18 steps to her door, carrying my small oxygen tank. I knocked once and the door swung wide open suddenly. I felt a little bit like a fly entering a spider's nest but I bucked up and stepped in. I always had my tank if I had to protect myself.

The apartment was immaculate with nice old furniture and curtains, knick knacks, etc. popular in the 60's. Her small dining room table was set with a green cloth, a nice Christmasy centerpiece, and 4 plates, cups and saucers (no one but me showed up :( She served 1/4 cup of red jello with tiny cinnamon candies in it, interesting. Pink angel food cake with red icing. A small dish with about 12 nuts on it. Fortunately, nuts are not allowed on a renal diet. Nor is coffee but I cheated and drank about 1/4th cup and had one cashew.

During the conversation, I nearly cracked up. Her hearing aid battery went dead about the same time my oxygen tank ran out of power. I can go about 20 minutes without oxygen but her hearing was gone! She jumped up and got her battery, clearly embarrassed, and I started counting down my minutes without air.

She told me her husband died 10 years ago (as did mine) and that she was lonely and was sorry she had sold her house and moved here (so am I) because her kids never visited. Familiar story of women who've lost their men. She said that I (me) am the youngest woman in the building. She is 84. She has absolutely no hobbies, no interests beyond some TV re-runs. When she asked me what I did, she looked mystified when I mentioned the computer. I told her I'd be glad to teach her how to use one, but she wasn't interested. She'd rather I go with her to McDonald's on Sunday and maybe to Hyvee's (grocery) once in a while. She didn't invite me to her Lutheran church, not being too keen on Baptists. :)

So when my air time ran out, I thanked her for the coffee, cake, jello and nut and made my way home. She thanked me for the candy and trinket I had given her. I promised I would go with her to Hyvee's and McDonald's occasionally. I really don't want to do that any more than she wants to do the computer but I don't have the heart to deny her. She's lonely.

Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself un-spotted from the world.

That means if we have a pure religion, we will visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and will keep ourselves clean from the stains of the world. As a Christian, we cannot just do what pleases us all the time. We are not here alone and we need each other. I am proud of my self sufficiency but I also am a Christian with a heart, and that's a good thing and she may do as much for me as I do for her. Who knows?

I am turning into a hermit and that jello tasted quite good and I'm not suffering over the one cashew nut I ate. :) All silliness aside, I liked her.