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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Booooo! Are you frightened?

This is Halloween weekend in Iowa. Every state seems to have different dates, seems to me. I have always loved Halloween. There's a weird part of me that enjoys being frightened... somewhat. I like reading scarey stories or about weird or frightening occurrences. Here are a few about...

Strange Deaths!
The “King Who Ate Himself to Death” died in 1771 at the age of 61 from a digestive problem after eating a giant meal consisting of lobster, caviar, sauerkraut, cabbage soup, smoked herring, champagne and 14 servings of his favorite dessert: semla, a bun filled with marzipan and milk. 14???

omer and Langley Collyer were compulsive hoarders. The two brothers had a fear of throwing anything away and obsessively collected newspapers and other junk in their house. They even set up booby-traps in corridors and doorways to protect against intruders. In 1947, an anonymous tip called that there was a dead body in the Collyer house, and after much initial difficulty getting in, the police found Homer Collyer dead and Langley no where to be found. About two weeks later, after removing nearly 100 tons of garbage from the house, workers found Langley Collyer’s partialy decomposed (and rat-chewed) body just 10 feet away from where they had found his brother. Apparently, Langley had been crawling through tunnels of newspapers to bring food to his paralyzed brother when he set off one of his own booby-traps. Homer died several days later from starvation.

In America there was a mass murder. Policemen went to investigate. Trying not to tread on the bodies, they took pictures of each one. One policemen saw something on the opposite wall but he couldn't
read it. He walks over to it and sees the numbers "7734" in calculator form, written in blood. When taking pictures of this, he turned his camera upside-down and told an approaching police officer. When he pointed with the hand that the camera was in, he accidentally took a picture of the upside-down numbers. He was about to delete the picture when he realized something. The numbers were now a word. The word was "hELL."

Meanwhile ...

I'm expecting a few children of friends for trick or treating. Am making some cookies and popcorn balls but have some store-bought candy for those fearful of home cooked food. After they leave, may re-watch 'Red-rum' or some other frightening movie and have some tea.

Hope you enjoy the weekend and

1 comment:

  1. That's sad about the brothers. Sounds so lonely.
    I have never understood the fascination with horror. I know alot of people who do though.

    I like costumes though. Creative, homemade ones. Anyone can open a package.

    Oh, and I love thunderstorms as they approach, and the lightning show it produces. If I can, I sit near the dock and watch them come in over the water. It's all so beautiful and calming to me.

    Back to trick or treaters, do you dress up on that night?
