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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Days of Our Lives

Days of our Lives, name of a soap opera that I now watch because there's nothing else good on during that time while I'm lying in a dialysis chair. As soaps go, it's not bad. There are some good-looking guys to help me not notice the bad plots.

Today, I'm very introspective of my own life, the good, the bad and the ugly, the ugly being the first 15 years, the rest pretty good, sometimes great. That's how lives go for most of us I guess.

I have loved and been loved and am loved. That alone has made life worth living.

This is 'E.J.' on Days ... so good lookin. :)


One of my writing dot com friends wrote this poem which I like very much. It explains my current feelings so well.

One of you, one of I,
One of choice, one of pride,
One of beauty, one of steel,
One of loving, one of chill,

One of hopeful dreams and means,
One of artistic laden schemes,
One of needing, One of seeking,

You of I, I of you,
You of spirit, I of truth
Two loves,

Things to do not have to be perfect in a relationship to be good. I try not to throw away the good because of a blemish or two. Love is love and it is not the same for everyone, not the same at every moment, not even the same at the end, but love is to be cherished, appreciated, thought of, sung about, cried over, longed for and prayed to God about, thankful for. I am content in that.

I had a wonderful weekend with my good friend and his children. We went to our old church together. He sang his 'theme song,' Who Am I? Love that song.

Click Here for 'Who Am I'

I did a lot of cooking to be prepared for the weekend, mostly sweets.

This one is Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ice Cream pie. One big piece is enough to cause a coronary. :) Essentially, you make a large block of frozen ice cream in a nice big pie plate. You make a fudge candy with peanut butter in it. While still warm, you pour it over the ice cream. Voila! Delicious. What is not eaten should be stored in the fridge.

The children were given a little but we all enjoyed it.

The old adage, 'time flies' seemed true this weekend. So much love and laughter and then time 'was up.' They are gone and I have my memories. I have a store house of good memories when I need to think of pleasant things.

Hope you had a nice weekend, hope no one was overly affected by the storm Irene. My many friends in Virginia were affected one way or the other, most by the power outage. I am so glad and thankful Irene was not as bad as predicted. Lots and lots of rain and Vermont seems to have had the most devastation. God bless them.

Until the next day of our lives ....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thief in the Night

Re 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

I was reminded of this verse Tuesday when I heard of the earth quake in Virginia, the first in many, many years. People were not expecting it. It came like 'a thief,' Fortunately, although it's epicenter was in Virginia and it reached all the way up the coast to NY and beyond, it did not do that much damage in the way of disability or death. I have many family and friends in Virginia and immediately began to call them when I heard the news. Cell phones were down, land lines were tied up so it took a while before I could feel calm about the situation. Finally, I got in touch with my loved ones who were a bit shaken but all right.

I hope to be more prepared for the Lord's coming with the same love which I had when I wrapped my arms around the Lord and His gospel. How are we to be prepared for His coming?

We must hold fast the truths which we received when we were saved and keep the 'true' religion. We are to repent of any sin, any time that we have departed from the truth of the gospel.

I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was but seven years old, but I was completely aware of what I was doing. I was baptized in a creek on a cold November day. Just as they were about to dip me in the water, a beautiful doe walked into the water and looked at the small crowd gathered and the people singing 'We shall gather at the river...' She did not seem afraid, nor were we and they took me under the water. I arose from the water re-born, a new creature and felt heaven-bound already :) In all these many years, despite trials and tribulations, the loss of my mate and now my health, my faith has not left me and I cling closer than ever. I thank God for being able to endure through the years for many, many people have tried to sway me, and many situations and temptations. Every time I even thought of turning away from Him, I remembered the old hymn, 'Trust and Obey (for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey). When you think of it that way, it's very simple, no shades of truth, no political corrctness, no 'tolerance,' etc. Just trust (his Word) and obey.

Today is a non-dialysis day, zippity do dah! :) I got up very early so as not to miss a possible waking moment. I have dusted and picked up a bit, have bread pudding that smells of cinnamon and warmth in the oven, and now have the rest of the day for my 'like to do' list. I like to surf the web, watch a couple shows on TV, read, eat, talk to friends either on the phone or chat and just fool around until bed time when I read the Bible and pray. Doesn't sound like an exciting life to some but to one who was pronounced dead for a few minutes less than a year ago, it sounds wonderful and to do 'my thing' without a lot of pain is even more wonderful.

This Sunday, my dearest friend and his family will visit. I can barely wait. I have made his little Anna a couple outfits I hope she can wear. I hope she likes them. There's a good bit of summer left in Virginia but I've also made her a 'blankie' for cool evenings. I have gifts for the other children, too, of course.

I have plenty of sweets on hand but not for the children. :) I look forward to us all going to our old church and maybe John will sing for us. I miss those days a lot.

Nothing exciting to tell today except that Jesus Lives! Hope you all are having a great day and do so throughout the weekend.

Until the next time,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Black bus, huh?

I am a news hound. I admit it. Every day, I watch at least five newscasts, three times a day. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC. Sometimes I go read Yahoo news if I feel something has not been covered totally.

Yesterday, all day long, I heard about the one-million dollar black bus to carry 'protectees' when they are out and about in our great nation. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that having a big, black, shiny bus carrying our dear black President around is like putting a bull's eye on his back! Any rogue wing nut, angry mob of tea party'ers, jhadist here or there with access to a grenade launcher, etc. could look around and see the big black bus and think, 'Yowza, Thank Allah, 'hot damn', whatever', a protectee is aboard,' and blow the bus to smithereens. I think the bus is a good idea and probably saves money since before now they leased a bus, outfitted it with all the modern technology, and then
un-outfitted it when the trip was over, very expensive, but a big, black, shiny bus? I think not. lol


One of several things I collect is teapots. I have long since run out of surfaces to display my little pots but that does not stop me from accumulating them. When I am very old and fall asleep and die in my computer chair, I fear they will not be able to transport me to the funeral home because I will be surrounded by zillions of tea pots. I love them. Neither of these pots are that expensive but I like the paint jobs on both and the little frog is charming. Both were given to me by very special friends which make them much more 'expensive' and lovable to me. Do you collect anything? If so, why?


Today is a non-dialysis day and I have so many things I want to do. I usually start every day with prayer and Bible study. When I study the Bible, I always have so many questions, and I don't think it fair to constantly be writing John about them so I try to figure them out myself with the help of study guides, commentaries, etc. Some answers are elusive though? Like, what really happened to the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas. Imagine if one was a coin collector back then, what a find those would be! If love is not jealous, but God is a 'jealous' God, how can God be love as the scriptures say? I have a vague idea of the answer but not sure. I think it hinges on the definition of 'jealous.' What verse is the most contentious, most misunderstood, most often quoted scripture you know of? I think it is the verse, 'judge not lest thou be judged.' What verse do you think most misunderstood?


Well, it's 10:26 a.m. and I have so much I need/want to do (my Mensa newsletter just arrived and wonderful puzzles await), the maintenance man is coming by to put up my new curtain rods, my socks are soaking and need washed (I like snow-white socks to remain snow white) and I have a peach cobbler in the oven :), so adieu, adios, later alligator until next time.

Once again, thanks for visiting and

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Submission? Get real...

Michelle Bachman was asked about her comment on TV about submitting to her husband. I would have more respect for her had she stuck to her guns. She now says she and her husband think submission means 'respect.' From her previous comments, it was clear she mean 'to submit' as in Ephesians 5:22 in the Bible.

Verse 22. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands.

This is the stand of most evangelical faiths, of which Bachman is one.

"The duty of the submission of the wife to her husband is everywhere in the Scriptures. See 1Pe 3:1; Col 3:18, and Tit 2:5.
While Christianity designed to elevate the character of the wife, and to make her a fit companion of an intelligent and pious husband, it did not intend to destroy all subordination and authority. Man, by the fact that he was first created; that the woman was taken from him; that he is better qualified for ruling than she is, is evidently designed to be at the head of the little community that constitutes a family. In many other things woman may be his equal; in loveliness, and grace, and beauty, and tenderness, and gentleness, she is far his superior; but these are not the qualities adapted for government. Their place is in another sphere; and there, man should be as cautious about invading her prerogative, or abridging her liberty, as she should be about invading the prerogative that belongs to him. In every family there should be a head--some one who is to be looked up to as the counselor and the ruler; some one to whom all should be subordinate. God has given that prerogative to man; and no family prospers where that arrangement is violated. Within proper metes and limits, therefore, it is the duty of the wife to obey, or to submit herself to her husband. Those limits are such as the following:

1. In domestic arrangements, the husband is to be regarded as the head of the family; and he has a right to direct as to the style of living, the expenses of the family, the clothing, etc.

2. In regard to the laws which are to regulate the family, he is the head. It is his to say what is to be done; in what way the children are to employ themselves, and to give directions in regard to their education, etc.

3. In business matters, the wife is to submit to the husband. She may counsel with him, if he chooses; but the affairs of business and property are under his control, and must be left at his disposal.

4. In everything, except that which relates to conscience and religion, he has authority. But there his authority ceases. He has no right to require her to commit an act of dishonesty, to connive at wrong-doing, to visit a place of amusement which her conscience tells her is wrong, nor has he a right to interfere with the proper discharge of her religious duties. He has no right to forbid her to go to church at the proper and usual time, or to make a profession of religion when she pleases. He has no right to forbid her endeavoring to exercise a religious influence over her children, or to endeavor to lead them to God. She is bound to obey God, rather than any man, and when even a husband interferes in such cases, and attempts to control her, he steps beyond his proper bounds, and invades the prerogative of God, and his authority ceases to be binding. It ought to be said, however, that in order to justify her acting independently in such a case, the following things are proper:

(1.) It should be really a case of conscience--a case where the Lord has plainly required her to do what she proposes to do--and not a mere matter of whim, fancy, or caprice.

(2.) When a husband makes opposition to the course which a wife wishes to pursue in religious duties, it should lead her to re-examine the matter, to pray much over it, and to see whether she cannot, with a good conscience, comply with his wishes.

(3.) If she is convinced that she is right, she should still endeavor to see whether it is not possible to win him to her views, and to persuade him to accord with her, see 1Pe 3:1. It is possible that, if she does right, he may be persuaded to do right also.

(4.) If she is constrained, however, to differ from him, it should be with mildness and gentleness. There should be no reproach, and no contention. She should simply state her reasons, and leave the event to God.

(5.) She should, after this, be a better wife, and put forth more and more effort to make her husband and family happy. She should show that the effect of her religion has been to make her love her husband and children more; to make her more and more attentive to her domestic duties, and more and more kind in affliction. By a life of pure religion, she should aim to secure what she could not by her entreaties--his consent that she should live as she thinks she ought to, and walk to heaven in the path in which she believes that her Lord calls her" (Barnes Commentary)

I was brought up in a fundamentalist Baptist tradition and wives submitting to their husbands was taught and seemed (seems) natural to me. In fact, I like it. lol I like big, bold, arrogant, confident, strong men, always have, always will. I don't know too many women these days who do and I consider it their loss. :)

A picture of Bill and our newborn daughter

One of my favorite pictures of my husband, Bill

with daughter, Jayne

Either way, on the question of submission, wonder why Bachman blinked? If she can 'claim' the phrase 'pray away the gay,' why not 'submission?'

Moving right along. I'm going to watch Letterman, knit a while and then go to bed. Tomorrow is a dialysis day.

Coat of Many Colors

Hello, hello!

This is my first blog post. Why 'coat of many colors' you ask? Because my life has been full of many interests, colorful people, faith, music and much more, each shading my life in wonderful ways and hues. I hope you will visit often to get to know me and so I can know you. I feel sure you will be interested in some of the same things. While your coat may have brighter colors or more of pastel, it might have some similar to mine. Who knows?

Most people think of Joseph in the Bible when thinking of a coat of many colors. Some may think of Dolly Parton's song, 'my coat of many colors which my momma gave to me.' I am much closer to Dolly than to Joseph. ;) Dolly is a southern gal; so am I. There are other similarities, perhaps for another time. Some of my experiences have been painful as it is with all humans but, through it all, I have bounced back and rejoice in another day given me by my good Lord.

One of my very favorite activities is cooking for someone else. I love to please people, especially men, with wonderful cakes, pies and other desserts. Not one man has ever said 'no' to one of my offerings. :) A few women have -- dieters, ewww. I dislike even the word 'diet.'

A cake of many colors ;)

This photo is of a cake I made for my best friend in the world. He's sucks up sweets like kittens on new milk. I make this cake for him each summer at least once. It is pretty easy to make.

Mix up a yellow cake batter or use packaged yellow cake mix, enough to make six or eight layers, about 2 boxes of mix. Bake as directed and let each layer cool.

Mix together 2 8 oz. pkgs. cream cheese, room temperature, 1/4 tsp. good brand of vanilla and enough white powdered sugar (confectioners to you Yankees) to make an icing easy to smooth on each layer but not too thin or watered down. You may add a tbsp. of milk at a time to get the consistency you want. On each layer, after the icing; add a thin layer of fresh fruit, cut into pieces. Strawberries, peaches, pineapple, etc. Don't recommend berries as they discolor the icing but if taste is better than sight, go for it!

Today, I expect no visitors, am not on dialysis (go to dialysis 3 days per week) so aim to please myself. I have, in the oven, 2 pork chops covered in about 3 tbsp. of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), 1/8 tsp. dried onion pieces, 1/4 tsp chili powder, salt and pepper to taste and one 8 oz. can of diced stewed tomatoes. Bake until tender and sauce is thick. Don't over bake. Chops should be tender but not drying out. I will have one of these with some freshly cooked sweet Iowa corn, yum and a cup of tea, all allowed on my 'renal' diet. I'll freeze the rest for a nice lunch some day.

Later, I will watch The Mentalist re-runs and do Facebook a while. See you there. In the meantime, listen to the songs below. You'll feel better.

Coat of Many Colors - Dolly Parton

I have never been able to listen to this song without crying. Maybe when I meet Him ...

Through it All