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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thief in the Night

Re 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

I was reminded of this verse Tuesday when I heard of the earth quake in Virginia, the first in many, many years. People were not expecting it. It came like 'a thief,' Fortunately, although it's epicenter was in Virginia and it reached all the way up the coast to NY and beyond, it did not do that much damage in the way of disability or death. I have many family and friends in Virginia and immediately began to call them when I heard the news. Cell phones were down, land lines were tied up so it took a while before I could feel calm about the situation. Finally, I got in touch with my loved ones who were a bit shaken but all right.

I hope to be more prepared for the Lord's coming with the same love which I had when I wrapped my arms around the Lord and His gospel. How are we to be prepared for His coming?

We must hold fast the truths which we received when we were saved and keep the 'true' religion. We are to repent of any sin, any time that we have departed from the truth of the gospel.

I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was but seven years old, but I was completely aware of what I was doing. I was baptized in a creek on a cold November day. Just as they were about to dip me in the water, a beautiful doe walked into the water and looked at the small crowd gathered and the people singing 'We shall gather at the river...' She did not seem afraid, nor were we and they took me under the water. I arose from the water re-born, a new creature and felt heaven-bound already :) In all these many years, despite trials and tribulations, the loss of my mate and now my health, my faith has not left me and I cling closer than ever. I thank God for being able to endure through the years for many, many people have tried to sway me, and many situations and temptations. Every time I even thought of turning away from Him, I remembered the old hymn, 'Trust and Obey (for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey). When you think of it that way, it's very simple, no shades of truth, no political corrctness, no 'tolerance,' etc. Just trust (his Word) and obey.

Today is a non-dialysis day, zippity do dah! :) I got up very early so as not to miss a possible waking moment. I have dusted and picked up a bit, have bread pudding that smells of cinnamon and warmth in the oven, and now have the rest of the day for my 'like to do' list. I like to surf the web, watch a couple shows on TV, read, eat, talk to friends either on the phone or chat and just fool around until bed time when I read the Bible and pray. Doesn't sound like an exciting life to some but to one who was pronounced dead for a few minutes less than a year ago, it sounds wonderful and to do 'my thing' without a lot of pain is even more wonderful.

This Sunday, my dearest friend and his family will visit. I can barely wait. I have made his little Anna a couple outfits I hope she can wear. I hope she likes them. There's a good bit of summer left in Virginia but I've also made her a 'blankie' for cool evenings. I have gifts for the other children, too, of course.

I have plenty of sweets on hand but not for the children. :) I look forward to us all going to our old church and maybe John will sing for us. I miss those days a lot.

Nothing exciting to tell today except that Jesus Lives! Hope you all are having a great day and do so throughout the weekend.

Until the next time,

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