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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Coat of Many Colors

Hello, hello!

This is my first blog post. Why 'coat of many colors' you ask? Because my life has been full of many interests, colorful people, faith, music and much more, each shading my life in wonderful ways and hues. I hope you will visit often to get to know me and so I can know you. I feel sure you will be interested in some of the same things. While your coat may have brighter colors or more of pastel, it might have some similar to mine. Who knows?

Most people think of Joseph in the Bible when thinking of a coat of many colors. Some may think of Dolly Parton's song, 'my coat of many colors which my momma gave to me.' I am much closer to Dolly than to Joseph. ;) Dolly is a southern gal; so am I. There are other similarities, perhaps for another time. Some of my experiences have been painful as it is with all humans but, through it all, I have bounced back and rejoice in another day given me by my good Lord.

One of my very favorite activities is cooking for someone else. I love to please people, especially men, with wonderful cakes, pies and other desserts. Not one man has ever said 'no' to one of my offerings. :) A few women have -- dieters, ewww. I dislike even the word 'diet.'

A cake of many colors ;)

This photo is of a cake I made for my best friend in the world. He's sucks up sweets like kittens on new milk. I make this cake for him each summer at least once. It is pretty easy to make.

Mix up a yellow cake batter or use packaged yellow cake mix, enough to make six or eight layers, about 2 boxes of mix. Bake as directed and let each layer cool.

Mix together 2 8 oz. pkgs. cream cheese, room temperature, 1/4 tsp. good brand of vanilla and enough white powdered sugar (confectioners to you Yankees) to make an icing easy to smooth on each layer but not too thin or watered down. You may add a tbsp. of milk at a time to get the consistency you want. On each layer, after the icing; add a thin layer of fresh fruit, cut into pieces. Strawberries, peaches, pineapple, etc. Don't recommend berries as they discolor the icing but if taste is better than sight, go for it!

Today, I expect no visitors, am not on dialysis (go to dialysis 3 days per week) so aim to please myself. I have, in the oven, 2 pork chops covered in about 3 tbsp. of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil), 1/8 tsp. dried onion pieces, 1/4 tsp chili powder, salt and pepper to taste and one 8 oz. can of diced stewed tomatoes. Bake until tender and sauce is thick. Don't over bake. Chops should be tender but not drying out. I will have one of these with some freshly cooked sweet Iowa corn, yum and a cup of tea, all allowed on my 'renal' diet. I'll freeze the rest for a nice lunch some day.

Later, I will watch The Mentalist re-runs and do Facebook a while. See you there. In the meantime, listen to the songs below. You'll feel better.

Coat of Many Colors - Dolly Parton

I have never been able to listen to this song without crying. Maybe when I meet Him ...

Through it All


  1. I think I'm going to love this blog. You are so funny and you write well. I also am going to try that cake. Looks delicious AND beautiful. Good luck with your blogging. :)

  2. Gina beat me here as your first follower. :) I'm #3, my usual place in Scrabble. Got to get used to it I guess. J/Kidding. As long as I'm #1 with you elsewhere, I'll be happy. lol Speaking of happy, since summer is not over yet and I'm coming to see you soon, I can have that cake again, yes?

    I can't wait for more of your blog. You are the most unusual, lovely, smart and caring woman I've ever known and naughty as a toddler. :) Ought to be verrry interesting. :) Have fun, sweetheaart.

  3. Hi dear John. Thanks for visiting. :) Yes, I'll make the cake when you come. Can't wait to see you and the children. You know me, I always have fun. Oh, and with me, you're #1 ... in Scrabble. (wink)

  4. O my lord but that cake looks good. Maybe I can hitch a ride with John to Iowa... lol J/kidding but wish I could. 'I knit so I won't kill people' haha
