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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Days of Our Lives

Days of our Lives, name of a soap opera that I now watch because there's nothing else good on during that time while I'm lying in a dialysis chair. As soaps go, it's not bad. There are some good-looking guys to help me not notice the bad plots.

Today, I'm very introspective of my own life, the good, the bad and the ugly, the ugly being the first 15 years, the rest pretty good, sometimes great. That's how lives go for most of us I guess.

I have loved and been loved and am loved. That alone has made life worth living.

This is 'E.J.' on Days ... so good lookin. :)


One of my writing dot com friends wrote this poem which I like very much. It explains my current feelings so well.

One of you, one of I,
One of choice, one of pride,
One of beauty, one of steel,
One of loving, one of chill,

One of hopeful dreams and means,
One of artistic laden schemes,
One of needing, One of seeking,

You of I, I of you,
You of spirit, I of truth
Two loves,

Things to do not have to be perfect in a relationship to be good. I try not to throw away the good because of a blemish or two. Love is love and it is not the same for everyone, not the same at every moment, not even the same at the end, but love is to be cherished, appreciated, thought of, sung about, cried over, longed for and prayed to God about, thankful for. I am content in that.

I had a wonderful weekend with my good friend and his children. We went to our old church together. He sang his 'theme song,' Who Am I? Love that song.

Click Here for 'Who Am I'

I did a lot of cooking to be prepared for the weekend, mostly sweets.

This one is Chocolate and Peanut Butter Ice Cream pie. One big piece is enough to cause a coronary. :) Essentially, you make a large block of frozen ice cream in a nice big pie plate. You make a fudge candy with peanut butter in it. While still warm, you pour it over the ice cream. Voila! Delicious. What is not eaten should be stored in the fridge.

The children were given a little but we all enjoyed it.

The old adage, 'time flies' seemed true this weekend. So much love and laughter and then time 'was up.' They are gone and I have my memories. I have a store house of good memories when I need to think of pleasant things.

Hope you had a nice weekend, hope no one was overly affected by the storm Irene. My many friends in Virginia were affected one way or the other, most by the power outage. I am so glad and thankful Irene was not as bad as predicted. Lots and lots of rain and Vermont seems to have had the most devastation. God bless them.

Until the next day of our lives ....


  1. Another woman who loves E.J. (Elvis?) lol What does he have that I don't?

    A wonderful weekend m'love and the parting is always sorrowful. Some day, in Paradise, we will not be separated from our friends or lose our partners, no sadness, no tears. Every tear you shed burns me like candle wax, but I know you will rise tomorrow with sunshine in your soul for that is how you are.

    Good post.

  2. John loll ,Elvis had his shimmy,need I say more? And there has been times when I asked if your shimmy was up there with Elvis... just saying.. ;)I would think of what little I have heard your singing ability thru your blog,that your singing is seriously tied with elvis. PS.. EJ is a guy on Days of Our lives--- is cute but I like hairier chested guys ...;)
    Iva, I use to watch --Days--every day, but every now and then these days. I liked the show when it had Alice, Tony!! whoohooo and the rest...I could keep up with most of the soaps,and now am down to General Hospital,Y&R ...I'll have to start watching Days again just to keep this soap on NBC as this is the only one left!
    I'm glad your visit with your friend was a very lovely one...Sometimes as I have known this feeling and not long ago when I had a friend who visited here, as he grew up here, but lives in another state,when he left after a three day visit,I was so sad, he left..I've known him most my life,and my very best lifelong friend...
    Iva, that pie seriously looks so yummy! i'll have to try making one.. I am going to bake a pumpkin pie later today, as I have the filling and want to use it and try my hand at baking a pie!
    I hope and pray as I have been ,that those states that were affected by Irene ,everyone in each state will stay strong and never loose faith or trust in God or themselves,in what is the most tragic of natural disasters... Love & Hugs Iva!!

  3. Dear Iva,

    Nice blog post brought back memories of my mom and I thank you for that :) She loved Days of Our Lives and never missed it. In fact, she liked it so much, she used to videorecord it to watch again later. Oh boy, the stacks of videos we had to deal with when she passed..

    I remember how hard it was for me when she would leave me after coming to visit me at my gram's house. The house just felt so empty and I usually cried. So glad God provided time for you and your family to visit, time together is a gift that cannot be measured, it is the most precious.

    That pie looks like an advertisement, so perfect. I'm sure it would be way too sweet for me but it looks delicious.

    Elaine \o/

  4. The pie IS delicious, Elaine :) She makes it look easy, just makes the fudge pours it on the hard icecream. The heat from the fudge makes it flow over the ice cream like a snug blanket. Put it in the freezer... there you have it! lol

    Iva, we have a lot to talk about always and now the good news about some part time employment to get you out of that apartment once in a while... will be good for you. And I am happy, though reserved is my joy, about your daughter's apparent attempts at being a help, not a hindrance.

    Fun post... so glad we had some time together, tu j'amor

  5. Angie, he doesn't have much hair on his chest, E. J. and his belly button seems in a weird place. lol (wink)

  6. rofl...John...I wasn't looking that closely!

  7. Sweet John, E.J. doesn't have anything you don't have and your things are better. lol But, I can see E.J. 5 days a week, if nothing else. I can understand your reserve regarding my daughter. I am, too, but ever hopeful of change. I am excited about the job with Ka-si, don't know yet how they really spell it. I wonder though if I am as strong and capable as they think I am at the Center. We'll see. Pray for, as always.

  8. Oh, forgot to ask. What do you think about my coloring my hair? :)
