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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nothing Like a Dame!

I was chatting with a good friend and about half way through the conversation, I realized how much fun I had with her, how much she makes me laugh when there's not that much to laugh at, and how she encourages me when I am down. The thought went through my head, 'there's nothing like a dame.' :)

I love men, oh yes I do, and I spend a lot of time trying to appeal to a man. I do have my little bag of tricks and know how to use them. But when I need someone to talk to who really understands, it is most often a woman friend. Men can relate, up to a point, but they never, in my opinion, really understand how a woman feels. I don't think they can. Men and women, after all, are different and especially emotionally. Not saying they don't care, they do. It's that they don't 'feel' things as intensely as a woman and are not as nurturing. It was meant to be this way. This friend I was talking with, I've not known too long but I know what I like in a friend.

I have other close friends, Linda and Brenda, twins, who have been my friends since junior high school. Through thick and then, good times and bad times, we have remained good friends and I still love talking to them.

Here they are at our high school prom, Brenda on the left. They ended up marrying those boys who are brothers, Larry and Bill. Both have had wonderful marriages and are wonderful people. I'm so glad they 'took me in' their fold. Thank you, Lin and Bren, and God. :)

Today was a good day, a non-dialysis day. Slept a little longer, had some wonderful strawberries and real whipped cream for lunch. Did some crocheting. I am making some hats which I will give for Christmas gifts to the nurses at the dialysis center who are so very good to me. I like this pattern, tell me what you think. I call them slouchy hats.

My daughter called me from Michigan. She and her family get to finally move into their new home in Rochester Hts., MI. We had a very good chat. She will send me digital photos of her new home. They met the neighbors and Kevin really likes the family next door who is into all things geeky, computers, gadgets, etc. Kevin is ten now, very bright and just the sweetest boy. The first picture below is one of my favorites. His father works for the 'Arsenal,' (U.S. Army). That's his dad's cap. I do not know why my photos won't center but it's getting on my nerves. John!!!

Hmmm. Maybe I figured it out. lol Forget that yodel call John. lol

This is a photo of Mr. Perry, Republican running for President. He's eating a corn dog. lol Shades of Bush, God help us. Another faux cowboy in the White House. Do we need that? I mean, really?

The weekly battles between Obama who is seeming a bit wimpy and the 'just say NO' Republicans continues this week over the night the President will make his 'jobs' speech. We, Americans, need JOBS. Please, both sides, do something!

Well, enough carrying on for tonight. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, that God whispers in your ear often and that you have peace. :) And, as always...


  1. Dear Iva,

    Yes, yes, yes.... our girlfriends are the best. Few people make me giggle and laugh more than my girlfriends do. Men are so delightfully different and I enjoy them so much. Their perspectives, the way they process things can be so different than mine, I love that.

    I have one close male friend and I cannot describe what a blessing he has been. At times it can be challenging, he stretches me, makes me think in different ways but it is always a good thing.

    I love seeing your pictures and your grandson is an absolute cutie pie. Thank you for sharing your life. And, I too know what I love in a friend and you are IT! :)

    Elaine \o/

  2. Hi Ms Iva! I love your new blog. John has kept me up to date on your health and family and I am so happy you are continuing you to improve and feel better. I agree with you and Elaine, chicas are best :) Well, not best at everything. lol

    I love the hats and wouldn't mind having the pattern. Now that Tito is in elementary school, can you believe it, I have more time on my hands. Second baby doesn't get home until 8 p.m. or so, that being Dante. I know you heard I lost my last baby in the 4th month, so disappointing, but I have given up that dream. I still teach part time at the parish school and spend a lot of time at Jose's riding those beautiful horses. He is retired now, settled down, a miracle of miracles. :) Please email with all your news at T'amo, Ana

  3. Hello, Ana. So good to see you and know you and your family are well. I am so sorry about your miscarriage. I prayed so often for you.

    I will send you the pattern for the hat, assume your address is the same. My favorite email address these days is Spam took over my main address. :)

    I'll send you as long email. Love you.

  4. Thank you, Elaine. I love looking at your family photos too. You have so many! ;)

  5. :) You're welcome, it is truly my pleasure to know and love you. I'm glad you like my photos, they reflect the good times and I cherish those.

    God bless you today and always,
    Elaine \o/
