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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beware the Dogs

I was in the book of Isaiah today for my bible study time. I am sure I read this verse before but don't remember having questions of it until today. Isa 56:10 "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber" I know that dogs are considered to be rather dirty and lazy in the Old Testament so to call the watchmen dumb dogs is pretty insulting. I believe the worst thing that could happen to one then was to be eaten by dogs. So who are the dumb dogs spoken of here, the actual watchmen of the city or the prophets or who? I assume since it was said they could not bark, they could not 'warn' someone when necessary. I'll have to leave it for another day unless some fellow Bible scholars here can help me out.

I have spent most of the day watching tennis semifinals. Did anyone else watch the Djokavic vs. Federer match? Absolutely a great game. Djokavic pulled it out at the last minute after about four hours of grueling play. I think he's great but I have a thing about tall, thin, aggressive guys anyway. :) He is from Serbia. His interaction with the crowd/audience today was interesting. Their applauding Federer more seemed to bother him until he actually won. Men? Who can understand them?

Other than watch TV like the lazy dogs who do not get their work done, I did make some great spaghetti. Enough for me and froze enough for three more meals for someone. I had some fresh peaches. I had one even though the renal diet forbids almost all fresh fruit. Needs to be cooked to be acceptable. Since my lab work is always pretty good, I chanced one little peach.

I always read Yahoo news every day. They list the important down to the implausible. Today I read of this fellow, a 20-foot 'monster' crocodile captured in the Philippines, weighing about a ton. He is awesome! He apparently is stressed out over the crowds and being captured that he won't eat, but he can go six months without eating. Wish I could.

Some other things in the news... will Hillary run for President since Obama has lost popularity? It could happen. Edward Kennedy ran against Carter when he lost popularity (didn't win). Why aren't blacks defending Obama more and will they turn on him in 2012? How many scandals will be dug up on Rick Perry; one has been found so far. Will Obama's job plans make a difference? Certainly hope so but wonder how much he can do without the Republicans, the 'just say no' crowd. Can he even get a bill through congress?

Well, going to have a cup of tea and watch a little more tennis and then a movie. Definitely a lazy Saturday. Saturday is now my favorite day of the week, no dialysis on the weekends and not as busy a day as Sunday. Hope you are enjoying your weekend and, as always,


  1. I'm sending you an audio/video tape of a sermon on 'beware the dogs' and hope it is helpful. It is a little long but worth the listen. :)

    I watched the Djokovic vs. Federer match... great game!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, I deleted my last comment. I seriously hope someone will come from out of no where ,and make a seriously eye opening difference in what he or she says,then will follow through IF that person is elected..., unless Obama is reelected then we will see....
    I think it should be snakes and not dogs!

  4. I don't understand a word of that for I have no idea of what you are talking. Might have if you hadn't deleted your other message. I don't like deletions for that reason. Who are the snakes and who are the dogs?

  5. Sweet John, thanks for the tape. Very illuminating and helpful to me. Your explanations always are.

    Yes, I watched the Federer-dJokovic match, more exciting that the final with dJokovic and Nadal but it was good too. I love tennis and know you do too :)

  6. Never mind, Miss Iva....I was referring to using snakes as an example rather than dogs...

  7. Hi Ms Iva. Today is my lazy day, so to speak. I don't understand dog references, like "Work like a dog" ( mine had one job, and it never kept them that busy :) "Dog days of summer" "Tail wagging the dog"... The picture you posted with the dog on the tracks looks so sad. Reminds me of the cat Recently found in Manhattan, after being lost for 5 yes from his home in Colorado.

    I'm happy for your Saturdays

  8. lol... yes, the dog looks sad, not what I wanted but I couldn't find a decent photo. I think the 'work like a dog' saying was when farmers worked dogs to keep the sheep in line, etc. I remember my grandparents talking about 'dog days of summer.' They said the old hound dogs would go lay in the shade under a tree. :) Not bad advice at all. Thanks re my Saturdays. This Saturday, I've been invited to my first Octoberfest in years. I love fall and it is already in the low 70's in the day here, feels so good when I get out in the mornings. Because I tire fairly easy, the Center arranged for me to have a 'hover round scooter' and I can now go outside in the neighborhood and enjoy the weather and talk to friends who sometimes go with me. :)
