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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Black bus, huh?

I am a news hound. I admit it. Every day, I watch at least five newscasts, three times a day. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC. Sometimes I go read Yahoo news if I feel something has not been covered totally.

Yesterday, all day long, I heard about the one-million dollar black bus to carry 'protectees' when they are out and about in our great nation. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that having a big, black, shiny bus carrying our dear black President around is like putting a bull's eye on his back! Any rogue wing nut, angry mob of tea party'ers, jhadist here or there with access to a grenade launcher, etc. could look around and see the big black bus and think, 'Yowza, Thank Allah, 'hot damn', whatever', a protectee is aboard,' and blow the bus to smithereens. I think the bus is a good idea and probably saves money since before now they leased a bus, outfitted it with all the modern technology, and then
un-outfitted it when the trip was over, very expensive, but a big, black, shiny bus? I think not. lol


One of several things I collect is teapots. I have long since run out of surfaces to display my little pots but that does not stop me from accumulating them. When I am very old and fall asleep and die in my computer chair, I fear they will not be able to transport me to the funeral home because I will be surrounded by zillions of tea pots. I love them. Neither of these pots are that expensive but I like the paint jobs on both and the little frog is charming. Both were given to me by very special friends which make them much more 'expensive' and lovable to me. Do you collect anything? If so, why?


Today is a non-dialysis day and I have so many things I want to do. I usually start every day with prayer and Bible study. When I study the Bible, I always have so many questions, and I don't think it fair to constantly be writing John about them so I try to figure them out myself with the help of study guides, commentaries, etc. Some answers are elusive though? Like, what really happened to the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas. Imagine if one was a coin collector back then, what a find those would be! If love is not jealous, but God is a 'jealous' God, how can God be love as the scriptures say? I have a vague idea of the answer but not sure. I think it hinges on the definition of 'jealous.' What verse is the most contentious, most misunderstood, most often quoted scripture you know of? I think it is the verse, 'judge not lest thou be judged.' What verse do you think most misunderstood?


Well, it's 10:26 a.m. and I have so much I need/want to do (my Mensa newsletter just arrived and wonderful puzzles await), the maintenance man is coming by to put up my new curtain rods, my socks are soaking and need washed (I like snow-white socks to remain snow white) and I have a peach cobbler in the oven :), so adieu, adios, later alligator until next time.

Once again, thanks for visiting and


  1. It is believed that Judas saw to it that the 30 pieces of silver were given to make the 'potter's field' in which he ended up after his suicide. There is no way to know for sure. Interesting you would wonder about it though (beginning to psych out .... ) :)

    There can be good things about being 'jealous' - you are on the right track.

    I agree with you on the most misunderstood verse. I am preaching on that verse this Sunday! Minds alike?

    Peach cobbler, oh and I am not there :(

    I cannot see a teapot anywhere without smiling, thinking of you.

    I had not given much thought to the black bus, just another sign you are smarter than I. You are right, a bull's eye.

  2. I will make you peach cobbler when you visit; I'll add it to the list of sweets you want. lol How you stay so trim is beyond me, you and your sweeth teeth. :) Do the babies like sweets as much as you?

  3. They do, especially Peeps, but like my wise mother, I limit the amount they may have. Believe it or not, I limit myself, just not at your house. :)
