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Thursday, September 22, 2011

And then... they tied her to the railroad tracks

If you're too young to know what the title means, I'll be too depressed to explain. :) Let's just say, to me, it means when a terrible event happens in your life over which you have no control.

When I was a very little girl, I was very outgoing. I could sing and play piano in church by age seven. I was in school talent contests for the first four years I attended school. In second grade, when I was just six, for talent contest, I dressed like a French woman with a tight skirt with a split up the side, high chunky heels, a red top and a dark beret on my head. I sang and danced (on top of a piece of luggage we called 'suit cases' in those days) to this song.

Sentimental Journey

I won. In the third grade, I danced to 'April Showers' with three friends, and we won second place. We danced while twirling paper umbrellas and wearing pink ballerina shoes with white dresses.

April Showers

In the fourth grade, I did a recitation -- the words of Mary, Queen of Scott's before she died. I won second place.

I use to tap dance on top of our dining room table to a song called 'Hadacol Boogie' and friends of the family would throw quarters at my feet.

Hadacol Boogie by Jerry Lee Lewis

I was a happy, smiling, fun-loving kid. Then tragedy struck. I know that sounds melodramatic, but it's true. Awful things happened to me and my brothers and life was never the same.

While I continued to play piano and sing at church (with my cousin, Pam and more of an obligation than anything else), I never again entered any contest, became very much an introvert, and very studious. A 'brainy brat' they called me. I graduated second in my class (I did make a short salutatorian speech at graduation but did not look up once). I didn't come out of this 'funk' for many years.

What happened to me wasn't all that unusual but, for me, it was life altering. I've often wondered if it was my 'destiny' or if it was my destiny 'altered.' Was it God's plan or God's plan altered? At the time, I thought that I had to 'take control of things' to avoid another 'incident.' I thought my destiny was in my hands. After all, the Bible said 'we had to choose' our destiny or I thought that was what it said. I believed I had to be ever vigilant, that somehow I had 'allowed' the incident to happen, that it was 'my fault.'

I have learned a lot about life and destiny, mostly that I have little or no control over it all. I think we do make choices and suffer (or enjoy) the consequences of them but ultimate destiny belongs to God. I believe we choose how we react to events. I could have allowed the 'incident' to ruin my life or even have ended my life because of it. Instead, I chose to gather up what was left of me and get on with it, that is, get on with life.

I eventually finished school, went to college, met a great guy, became a mother and lived life as best I could. I never turned my back on God nor did He abandon me. But life was different. Do you think things happen to alter God's plans or were they His plans all along? I find it difficult to believe that He preferred the sad, studious, shy girl to the lively, spirited girl I was but maybe so. What do you think?

Me, in fifth grade. There's a flaw in this photo, I did not have a dent in my forehead although I felt that way sometimes. :) I call this my Franenstein phase. lol

Ecc. 9:11 says "I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all."

This means to me: Happeneth to them all - Every man has what may be called time and space to act in, and opportunity to do a particular work. But in this time and opportunity there is 'incident,' what may fall in; and occurrence, what may meet and frustrate an attempt. These things should be wisely weighed, and seriously balanced; for those four things belong to every human action. While you have time, seek an opportunity to do what is right; but calculate on hinderances and oppositions, because time and opportunity have their incident and occurrence.

My life was different after age ten but no less precious. Ecc. 9:4 says something like 'it is better to be a live dog than a dead lion.' I don't know what my life would have been like without the the 'incident' but it has been worth living. I learned things from what happened that caused me to be much more compassionate, kind and loving than I would have been otherwise. Do I wish I had not had the 'incident?' Yes, if for nothing else but to know how I would have 'turned out.' Perhaps I would have been a vain person with nothing but trifles accomplished. Perhaps not? I wonder if God will let me know some day.

Back to this world I now occupy, I am content. With what I was given, I believe I've done my best. I have called upon God since I was seven years old and I found Him and He has held me in his loving arms. As Psalm 23 tells me, I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen.

Jer. 29:11-13 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

As always,

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Beware the Dogs

I was in the book of Isaiah today for my bible study time. I am sure I read this verse before but don't remember having questions of it until today. Isa 56:10 "His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber" I know that dogs are considered to be rather dirty and lazy in the Old Testament so to call the watchmen dumb dogs is pretty insulting. I believe the worst thing that could happen to one then was to be eaten by dogs. So who are the dumb dogs spoken of here, the actual watchmen of the city or the prophets or who? I assume since it was said they could not bark, they could not 'warn' someone when necessary. I'll have to leave it for another day unless some fellow Bible scholars here can help me out.

I have spent most of the day watching tennis semifinals. Did anyone else watch the Djokavic vs. Federer match? Absolutely a great game. Djokavic pulled it out at the last minute after about four hours of grueling play. I think he's great but I have a thing about tall, thin, aggressive guys anyway. :) He is from Serbia. His interaction with the crowd/audience today was interesting. Their applauding Federer more seemed to bother him until he actually won. Men? Who can understand them?

Other than watch TV like the lazy dogs who do not get their work done, I did make some great spaghetti. Enough for me and froze enough for three more meals for someone. I had some fresh peaches. I had one even though the renal diet forbids almost all fresh fruit. Needs to be cooked to be acceptable. Since my lab work is always pretty good, I chanced one little peach.

I always read Yahoo news every day. They list the important down to the implausible. Today I read of this fellow, a 20-foot 'monster' crocodile captured in the Philippines, weighing about a ton. He is awesome! He apparently is stressed out over the crowds and being captured that he won't eat, but he can go six months without eating. Wish I could.

Some other things in the news... will Hillary run for President since Obama has lost popularity? It could happen. Edward Kennedy ran against Carter when he lost popularity (didn't win). Why aren't blacks defending Obama more and will they turn on him in 2012? How many scandals will be dug up on Rick Perry; one has been found so far. Will Obama's job plans make a difference? Certainly hope so but wonder how much he can do without the Republicans, the 'just say no' crowd. Can he even get a bill through congress?

Well, going to have a cup of tea and watch a little more tennis and then a movie. Definitely a lazy Saturday. Saturday is now my favorite day of the week, no dialysis on the weekends and not as busy a day as Sunday. Hope you are enjoying your weekend and, as always,

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Summer Time

Summer time and the living is easy, according to Sam Cooke - Summertime

Today was wonderful here in Iowa, temp in the 70's, nice breeze. I loved it. I was able to go to church today, a new friend taking me. Came home and fixed us some home-made onion rings, the thin kind I like, and some stewed squash, stewed in water, butter, onion diced and a small pinch of nut meg. Salted to taste. It all was wonderful. I am not vegan but I don't eat much meat, some stewed chicken now and then. That was lunch. About 7:30 p.m. made me some berry pancakes. Sometimes breakfast food is so good at night.

During Sunday School, a lady asked 'if God created the universe, who created God.' Our pastor gave the best and simplest answer I've heard so far for this question: He said:

"The universe (including time itself) can be shown to have had a beginning. It is unreasonable to believe something could begin to exist without a cause. The universe therefore requires a cause, just as Genesis 1:1 and Romans 1:20 teach.

God, as creator of time, is outside of time. Since therefore He has no beginning in time, He has always existed, so doesn't need a cause. He just 'is.' We who are trapped/controlled by time have a difficult time believing in 'timeless' existence but it is so."

In the news today, heard this very good news (to me anyway, having 'pain issues' as the young folks say. The medication I receive is very strong and effective but side effects that make life more difficult.

The article said:

"Saliva from humans has yielded a natural painkiller up to six times more powerful than morphine, researchers say. The substance, dubbed opiorphin, may spawn a new generation of natural painkillers that relieve pain as well as morphine but without the addictive and psychological side effects of thetraditional drug. When the researchers injected a pain-inducing chemical into rats'
paws, 1 milligram of opiorphin per kilogram of body weight achieved the same painkilling effect as 3 milligrams of morphine."

They believe they can synthesize the substance and begin to produce pain medicine from it soon. I hope it works... whew.

If you are a reader, check this out: Amazing number of good, and FREE ebooks

A ? for John: How do neurotic narcissists behave and should we avoid them?

As you must notice, my mind goes from one thing to another. I am overwhelmed most days at what I want to know or do and there is not enough time to do it all. :( But I still have tomorrows :) Thanks to God, prayers from loved ones.

At the near ending of this day, may

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Nothing Like a Dame!

I was chatting with a good friend and about half way through the conversation, I realized how much fun I had with her, how much she makes me laugh when there's not that much to laugh at, and how she encourages me when I am down. The thought went through my head, 'there's nothing like a dame.' :)

I love men, oh yes I do, and I spend a lot of time trying to appeal to a man. I do have my little bag of tricks and know how to use them. But when I need someone to talk to who really understands, it is most often a woman friend. Men can relate, up to a point, but they never, in my opinion, really understand how a woman feels. I don't think they can. Men and women, after all, are different and especially emotionally. Not saying they don't care, they do. It's that they don't 'feel' things as intensely as a woman and are not as nurturing. It was meant to be this way. This friend I was talking with, I've not known too long but I know what I like in a friend.

I have other close friends, Linda and Brenda, twins, who have been my friends since junior high school. Through thick and then, good times and bad times, we have remained good friends and I still love talking to them.

Here they are at our high school prom, Brenda on the left. They ended up marrying those boys who are brothers, Larry and Bill. Both have had wonderful marriages and are wonderful people. I'm so glad they 'took me in' their fold. Thank you, Lin and Bren, and God. :)

Today was a good day, a non-dialysis day. Slept a little longer, had some wonderful strawberries and real whipped cream for lunch. Did some crocheting. I am making some hats which I will give for Christmas gifts to the nurses at the dialysis center who are so very good to me. I like this pattern, tell me what you think. I call them slouchy hats.

My daughter called me from Michigan. She and her family get to finally move into their new home in Rochester Hts., MI. We had a very good chat. She will send me digital photos of her new home. They met the neighbors and Kevin really likes the family next door who is into all things geeky, computers, gadgets, etc. Kevin is ten now, very bright and just the sweetest boy. The first picture below is one of my favorites. His father works for the 'Arsenal,' (U.S. Army). That's his dad's cap. I do not know why my photos won't center but it's getting on my nerves. John!!!

Hmmm. Maybe I figured it out. lol Forget that yodel call John. lol

This is a photo of Mr. Perry, Republican running for President. He's eating a corn dog. lol Shades of Bush, God help us. Another faux cowboy in the White House. Do we need that? I mean, really?

The weekly battles between Obama who is seeming a bit wimpy and the 'just say NO' Republicans continues this week over the night the President will make his 'jobs' speech. We, Americans, need JOBS. Please, both sides, do something!

Well, enough carrying on for tonight. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, that God whispers in your ear often and that you have peace. :) And, as always...